Liuzhou is such a great city that we want to introduce it to the world. And, if you come and work for us, this series will also give you some ideas for what to do when you arrive. Part 1 takes a look at the heart of the city's clothing retail district... The Chinese love shopping! Their obsession outstrips even the most dedicated of British shopaholics and relatively small places seem to have a volume of shops far beyond what we're used to. Liuzhou has a few retail districts and lots of malls and, whilst most of these are fairly similar to what we're used to in the UK, 飞鹅路 Fei'e Road is something entirely different. Essentially a series of huge indoor markets, it's home to famous brands and thousands of small clothing stores and, particularly at weekends, is teeming with people in that way that only Asia cities seem to manage. At the end nearest the city centre, the more standard clothing stores prevail, including one which will be familiar to Brits: Uniqlo. ...